We understand that creating a personalized book is personal. I'm happy meeting and talking about the process before proceeding!
This is the fun part! Brainstorm what kind of content you want to publish and be part of the character creation process together.
Designing a means continuous iteration. Before creating a hard copy, I'll review what the book looks like and make any changes needed.
Consistent characters take time with more and more stories. Not only do we use AI to make books faster but we care about the privacy and quality of each story that gets created.
That's why we also do human-to-human interaction to make sure the curation is ultimately done by a human.
A newly turned dad, I am on an adventure to bring joy and happiness to my beloved son, Eller. In the process of doing so (and obviously, learning throughout the adventure!) I wanted to bring my son a more curated storybook with consistent character.
Being a designer and in the tech space for 10+ years, I decided to try using AI and my own passion for content creation together to bring this storybook creating work to life.
I envision a future where we can bring our imagination more real and this is one step for allowing our children to picture themselves in those imagination!